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Education: Issue Briefs

Advocacy Projects

Cybersecurity Quiz

By: John Hatzell

Did you know that nearly every one of us will be affected by a cyberattack at some point in our lives? This cybersecurity quiz will help reveal some of the shocking statistics about online safety and give you tips on how to stay away from the dangers on web.

Our Priorities In Education

By: Sean Cooley

Our Priorities in Education illustrates how the United States’ government should shift its’ policy in regards to STEM funding by reducing its funding for such initiatives and allowing private corporations to fund the program if they see fit. Additionally, the presentation demonstrates why corporations should take advantage of the creative expertise that the liberal arts and other non-technical majors offer in terms of innovation.

The Integration of Art and Math

By: Nicole Kirchner

Have you ever considered art and math to be interconnected topics, or do they appear to exist as disparate forms of intellectual enrichment? The Art + Math website works to break the down the walls separating the fascinating and beautiful worlds of art and math, promoting educational reform and community involvement in hopes to spur art and math integration.

Universal Education

By: Christina Cropper

This video shows the importance of making universal education a priority in the global world and shows how a strong universal education program can improve the world as a whole.

Collaboration Between American and International Students

By: Berty Ruan

My Advocacy Project was done in conjunction with Ben Grove’s to form a unified theme about the need for American students to engage more with international students. We used spoken word as our media form of choice because it evokes strong emotional responses from the audience.

Implement An Advisor Feedback System

By: Matt Mignogna 

There is no official way for advisors to receive feedback regarding their performance. RCL students Ben Rowles and Matt Mignogna created a petition to inform students and collect support for imporving students' advising experiences. They are also speaking with advisers, college deans, and student groups to figure out how to best address advising concerns.

Music is Key

By: Abby Koehler


State High Renovations

By: Sonia Kaufman and Allie Whitman


State High Alumni for the State High project was created to raise awareness about the deteriorating conditions of the local high school, and to encourage people to vote in the upcoming election. On May 20th 2014, citizens in the county will finally get to vote on the referendum to fund the State High Project. We decided to spread the message through Facebook since we wanted to get the word out to a lot of people in a short amount of time.

Click The Photo To View The Facebook Page

I hope that this website can help as a resource in your music advocacy endeavours. Good luck with everything, and remember that the first priority is always music!

What if the most powerful force of change on our planet, was a girl? Girls: The Force of Global Change is a Prezi that reveals the power of educating girl and empowers people to help girls change their lives in order to impact the world and the future. 

Girls: The Force of

Global Change

By: Erin Haney

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